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Various Video Tutorials for IDC5

Pairing your Bluetooth "Error while starting communication with the device"
How to pair your TXT/TXB Bluetooth If you are getting the "Error while starting communication with the device" message,  you likely need to pa...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 12:36 PM
How to send a BIN file for a software bug or development request
Occasionally you may run into an error in the IDC5 software.  If you believe a function or feature is not working correctly or you would like a feature adde...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 12:42 PM
Using the interactive wire diagrams in the Marine environment
This video tutorial will show you how to use the interactive wire diagrams in IDC5.  Currently this feature in only available in the Marine environment but ...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 12:48 PM