In order to perform diagnostics on Kawasaki personal water craft you will need to be equipped with a special TEXA adapter cable.
3905015 Kawasaki PWC Diagnostic Kit
The following list contains the vehicles that need the related adapter cable:
Operation of adapter cable PWC2 (Code 3905014)
The PWC2 adapter cable is needed in order to allow the diagnostic session.
Installation procedure:
- Connect the cable to the main relay's connector (8-pin)
- Connect the adapter to ground as shown in figure 2.
Operation of adapter calbe PWC1 (Code 3905013)
The PWC adapter cable is needed to avoid the activation of the standby mode on the PWC when the engine is not started within a number of seconds.
Installation procedure:
- Apply the connector to the ignitions switch's connector (6-pin)
- Insert the key into the ignition switch on the instrument panel
- Connect the terminals as shown in figure 4
WARNING: The makes and distinguishing signs of the vehicle manufacturers included in this document are only provided to inform the reader about the potential suitability of the said TEXA products to be used for the vehicles of the above-mentioned manufacturers. References to makes and models contained in this document are to be considered only as a rough guide.
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